This one is a trace of an old sketch I still really like. This version is okay, but I dont like it enough to say its the final version. Ill probably revisit it at some point, because I really do like the sketch. Original Idea was them hanging out at muelle Pratt.

Character sitting on cliff is one of my go-to poses to draw. This one is based on Mirador Ciudad de Camogli in Valparaiso, Chile. I grew up a couple of bocks down from the place, so it is a constant in my memories growing up. I always thought it was a very beautiful and interesting place, however, it is a popular drinking/smoking/doing various drugs spot, so I never was able to enjoy it much for fear of getting mugged or something. This year I became one of those who use the spot to do illicit activities, and so I wanted to draw it. I had fun with this one, and I enjoy the simplicity of it, having just enough details to let those who know exactly where this is.

Gonzalo and Benja having a sleepover late night conversation in Gonzo's bedroom. This one was referenced from a screenshot of Chilean TV series "Los 80s", a series about life in Chile during the dictatorship. And also based on that feeling of unique closeness you feel with your friend when by yourselves in your room late at night. I think it is easier for both Benja and Gonzalo to be genuine in the darkness, and when alone, Gonzalo doesn't feel the need to pretend to dislike Ben as much.