Linocut print of something I saw in a dream. I dreamt I was taking care of a cat, but suddenly eyes started growing on its body like mold until its body was a mass of eyes. It then turned to dust, revealing a healthy litter of kittens. The colored background is acrylics, and initially I put a coat of glossy varnish on top, but the ink I used for the print is water-based, so it smudged. I decided to wipe it off and try again, but the original print stained. I just printed over it again, and ended up really liking the effect it gave the final product. I really really like this one.

Not much to say about this one. It was an assignment for school, prompt was reflection. acrylic gouache on colored inks. This scan is atrocious; neon pink is impossible to scan right, and I'm too lazy to try to photograph it. I think its a fun little piece.

This one was just practice. Acrylic paints. I have no idea whats going on with the colors. I love the texture on this one; I painted the page with white acrylic before doing the actual drawing, I love visible brushstrokes.