testing testing. my thoughts when making this one was their happiest time during the beginning of their relationship. honeymoon phase where everything is perferct and like a dream. unrealistic. wanted to allude to the BLISS windows wallpaper. I love how Jonnys expression came out. I dont like how pablo's face came out. everything balances itself. 25/07/22.

This is a redraw of a picture i drew around 2013. Johnny and Paolo are among my first ocs ever, not couting the rp characters I made up in in my schoolyard games. I did, however, grow embarrassed of johnny's and paolos's origins, so my first "official" ocs were Marco and "??". I had a dream about a cataclysm, and people fleeing from the catastrophe on a train that went deep into the mountains. The dream that originated Marco and "??" was that marco was waiting at the station for "??" to arrive, but he didn't. I don't remember much of the dream, but i made a story about a bunch of people being left behind after a disaster. anyways, the original picture was inspired by kaneoya sachiko, and my nascent interest in analog media. Title is a song by Tito Fernandez, doesnt really have to do with the plot of the picture, but the chorus line always spoke to me.

This picture I made based on the back of the condo building I was raised in. I was born in Valparaiso, Chile. This is a city built on hills, right next to the sea. There is little flat space there. It's just mountains and ocean. The place where I grew up was a 10 story building, built on a cliff. the parking lots led to cliffs that where just absolute wilderness. I used to play in these cliffs, and there was a big tree, and many many aloe cacti. In one of the universes, one of them lives in an approximation of the only place ive ever thought of as home.